There are several definitions of “affordable housing”. ACHAT and its members define it as follows:
The terms ”social housing” and “community housing” essentially both refer to affordability in perpetuity (with or without specific services for tenants).
Housing committees are at the service of tenants, find yours on the RCLALQ website.
You can also find legal help for tenants via Legal Clinics, Novum or Juripop.
Any nonprofit organization (NPO, cooperative, housing authority, or other semi-public entity) wishing to adopt strategies for continuous volume development and operation of housing could potentially benefit from Élan by ACHAT. Priority is currently given to members of ACHAT.
Élan by ACHAT began its activities in 2024, while the ACHAT community of practice has existed since 2017.
Any nonprofit organization wishing to become an owner-developer of social and affordable housing and aiming to develop a certain number of projects year after year to meet the needs of the target population in its mission.
The term “generational pact” means maximizing the impact of each dollar (public and private) invested today in the development of the nonprofit housing stock through the principle of “equity rotation,” i.e., the continuous reuse of new real estate assets as financing levers. The application of this basic principle in real estate finance is necessary to achieve greater capacity of nonprofit housing production.
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